Institutional Review

The QAA Reviewers visited in April following their first team visit in February.  The Reviewers met a number of groups of staff with different responsibilities, including lecturing staff, professional staff and senior staff from across the University.   They also met with a range of students (undergraduate, postgraduate taught and postgraduate research).

The College would like to thank all staff for contributing both to the preparation for the visit and the visit itself. This is an important strategic review for the University and its education provision, and we are pleased that the College was well-represented in all the reviewer meetings.


The National Student Survey (NSS) has now closed. The College of Biomedical and Life Sciences had the highest response rate in the University at 73.33%.

General Dental Council Visit

The School of Dentistry has had a recent visit from the General Dental Council (GDC). This was the main visit, and the team will return to observe Finals in June.  Many staff within the School have worked incredibly hard to prepare for this visit and this is very much appreciated.

Unification of Fitness to Practise process

Professor Paul Dummer, College Dean for Education and Students is leading on an initiative to unify the Fitness to Practise process followed by all Schools within the College that deliver a programme regulated by the professional bodies. Since January 2014, representatives from all Schools and from Registry have been meeting monthly and have developed a unified process for managing Fitness to Practise queries and declarations at various stages of student lifecycle. The process will be finalised in the coming months and will ensure we comply with the University regulations and professional regulatory body requirements; and that the applicants and students across the College have a consistent experience.

Post Graduate Taught (PGT) programme viability and review

Work is in progress to review the PGT provision offered by the Schools in the College. The initial aim of the review is to assess the financially viability. Gabrielle Couch has commenced a secondment with the College to undertake this work.