In October 2012, more than 40 organisations involved with life science in the UK, including Cardiff University, signed a Declaration on Openness on Animal Research. They agreed to develop a Concordat that sets out how they will be more open about the ways in which they use animals in scientific, medical or veterinary research in the UK.

We would like to encourage staff to comment on the draft concordat commitments by filling in a questionnaire. Your feedback will help to shape the document by benchmarking what we do and how we do it.  Your thoughts will help the Understanding Animal Research working group to understand the critical issues.  This, in turn, should be translated into wider public understanding.

The consultation document PDF is located right down at the foot of the page (if you scroll down using your right hand scroll bar) (as is the questionnaire to be completed), or you can reach both documents via the following hyperlinks:

Draft Concordat:
