Has the person sitting next to you made an Outstanding Contribution to Innovation and Engagement? 

Has the colleague you work with in another School demonstrated Excellence in Teaching? 

Has a member of staff in Professional Services shown an Outstanding Contribution to Leadership?

The Celebrating Excellence Awards are your opportunity to show your recognition of colleagues who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment and contribution to the University.

The Awards support and reinforce our strategy The Way Forward. They reward individual, team and collaborative achievements and recognise the contributions made by all of our staff working in every area of the University’s activities.

The categories of award are designed to be open and inclusive, allowing for the recognition of a variety of achievements by our diverse staff.   You don’t have to be a line manager to nominate someone for a Celebrating Excellence Award. Any member of staff may nominate individuals or groups they believe should be recognised for their achievement.

This year’s categories of award are:

  • Rising Star
  • Sustained Excellence
  • Lifetime Achievement
  • Outstanding Contribution to the Community or Environment
  • Exceptional Enhancement of the Student Experience
  • Excellence in Teaching (including Training and Development)
  • Excellence in Research (including Research Support)
  • Outstanding Contribution to the University’s International Activities
  • Outstanding Contribution to Innovation and Engagement
  • Outstanding Support to the University
  • Outstanding Contribution to Leadership
  • Outstanding Contribution to Equality and Diversity
  • Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Contribution to the University

Trust fund prizes:

  • Sir Herbert Duthie Prize for Staff Development
  • William O’Grady Prize for Technicians

Full details, including the criteria for each award, information about the nomination and judging processes and links to nomination forms are on the Celebrating Excellence Awards webpage.  Information can also be found in the attached document.

The closing date for submission of nominations is 31st July 2014.   Shortlisted nominees will be contacted in September and the Awards ceremony and dinner will be held in November.

If you know a colleague or group of colleagues who is deserving of recognition for their outstanding contribution to Cardiff University, please don’t miss this opportunity to nominate them.