Students, Prof Jones and Bligh
Dr Jeff Allen
Amy B, students

MEDIC Student Artwork Competition
The School of Medicine recently invited its students to submit a work of art to be on long-term display outside the School of Medicine Deanery in University Hospital of Wales.

The School of Medicine wanted to showcase the artistic talent of their medical students, depict elements of the medical programme through art, demonstrate publically the pride the School of Medicine takes in the course and its students and allow students to leave a lasting impression on the School at which they trained.

The artworks were required to represent 21st century medicine and/or healthcare and/or undergraduate medical teaching. The response to the competition was excellent and the winning artworks are now up on display.



Do you use human tissue in research or teaching?
Oversight of all human tissue activity within the University has now moved to the College of Biomedical and Life Sciences. The Pro Vice-Chancellor, Dylan Jones has taken on the role of Corporate Licence Holder Contact on the Human Tissue Act (HTA) licences and will oversee compliance with the HTA for all human tissue held within the University.

 A brief self-assessment for compliance with HTA Standards will soon be required for all studies involving the collection, use or storage of human tissue, including studies with NHS ethical approval. Full details will be available shortly.

For any queries please email:



The search is on for the new voices of science communication! On 15th January Cardiff is hosting heats of FameLab, the UK’s biggest competition to discover new talent to engage the public in science, engineering, technology and maths.

If you’re currently working in science, technology, engineering, or maths, and think you can explain a science or engineering concept in an engaging way to non-scientists in just three minutes, then Famelab want to hear from you!So if you think you have what it takes visit to register. The winner of the Cardiff regional final will get the chance to take part in a weekend Masterclass led by experts in media & communication skills, before vying for the title of FameLab UK champion at the National Final 22 April 2015 at the Bloomsbury Theatre in London. The FameLab UK winner will have the chance to take home £1,750 to further their career. Heats will take place at Gwidihw. For more information visit:

If you cant make the Cardiff heat you might be able to make the heat in Swansea:

  • 28th January Swansea

If you are thinking about taking part, don’t forget to check:






NC3R’s – Project Grant applications open
The NC3R’s* Project Grant scheme is now open for applications. Project grants support the development of new 3Rs approaches and technologies. Awards are for up to 36 months with the amount requested dependent on the science.

* National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research



Supervising Doctoral Studies’ On Line Programme Launched
The University Graduate College has launched a new on-line programme to support anyone who supervises doctoral candidates. The programme has been authored and reviewed by an international group of experts who have spent many years researching the doctoral process across the academic disciplines. This wealth of experience, wisdom and valuable insight is shared in the programme using the engaging on-line approach pioneered by Epigeum.

The eight units in the programme broadly follow a doctoral life cycle beginning with some scene setting and context. The subsequent units cover: dealing with applicants and selection of doctoral candidates; approaches to supervision and supervisory style; setting your doctoral candidates on the right course; managing progress; preparing for examination and assessment; dealing with issues that can arise during supervision. The final unit discusses how supervisors can build on topics covered in the course and helps them develop their own personal framework for continued development as a supervisor.