
We have extended a warm welcome to a group of students from Capital Medical University, Beijing China. The students represent the first exchange between the two universities since the launch of the Joint Research Centre in 2013 and the signing of a ‘Memorandum of Understanding’ in October 2014. The MoU is the first step towards education focused collaboration right across the College.

The Agreement sets out to achieve the following:

  • To establish a long-term collaborative relationship to promote cooperation within higher education and to enhance the opportunities available to students.
  • Establish a common framework for the exchange of students between the two institutions.
  • Set out the basis on which an exchange programme of students will operate, giving students from each institution the opportunity to study at the other.

Research led collaborations have been in place between the two universities for the past decade. Work has seen the creation of the Cardiff-CMU Joint Centre for Biomedical Research, joint research grants, and the exchange of research scholars and postgraduate students.

In October 2013, Professor Colin Riordan, Cardiff’s Vice-Chancellor and Professor Zhaofeng Lu, President of Capital Medical University signed an agreement in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing for a full scale education collaboration.



Professor Wen G.Jiang, Dean of International (China) at Cardiff University said: “We are delighted to welcome the exchange students from Capital Medical University (CMU). During their time in Cardiff, we hope the students will become heavily involved in Cardiff’s education and research activities as well as having the opportunity to experience the culture and social programmes that the capital city has to offer.

“Since 2011 the School of Medicine has been receiving CMU’s doctoral postgraduates and medical students. CMU has also been hosting PhD students and medical students from Cardiff University. It’s a hugely beneficial relationship for everyone involved and we hope to see the programme build in the years ahead.”





About Capital Medical University
Capital Medical University (CMU) was founded in 1960. It ranks among the top academic medical institutions in China and is one of the key municipal universities in Beijing. It is purported to be the world’s largest medical university, with 22 affiliated hospitals and more than 23,000 hospital beds. It delivers a full range of health, medicine and life science related subjects at all levels.