
I applied to the Royal Society pairing scheme to see how we as scientists can influence the legislation and policy that might be used to promote the public understanding of science and, in the case of genetics, use that understanding to make informed decisions regarding their health. Current advances in genetics will revolutionise medical care in the coming years but we must address the knowledge gaps that occur between geneticists, health professionals and the public. I hoped that my experience would help to clarify the process of communication between academics and Parliament.

I enjoyed every moment of the scheme and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to my colleagues. From attending the Prime Minister’s question time to socialising in the (in)famous Strangers bar it’s quite a rare experience to have open access to such a prestigious institution.

I was paired with my local MP (Cardiff West), Deputy Shadow Education Secretary Mr Kevin Brenan, a fellow Welsh Learner, and key member of the prestigious House of Commons rock band MP4.

The time I spent with Kevin was hugely instructive as to how the Parliamentary system works, even the role of heckling in Prime Ministers Question time!

The events organised outside of the actual pairing were well designed to demonstrate the impact of science on policy and elucidate the path to influence the decision making process. It’s an intense experience, and by the afternoon on the last day some pretty poor decisions were being made in our ‘Global Disaster Risk Reduction’ exercise, I think it’s fair to say that I should not be put in charge of organising the government response to severe flooding in the near future…..

Meeting 1
meeting 2

The scheme has been inspiring both personally and professionally and the connection that I have made with Kevin has given me the opportunity to develop a connection that I would not otherwise have made. As part of the scheme Kevin will soon be visiting my group in Cardiff where we hope to demonstrate the importance of our work and that of the school of medicine as a whole.

Dr James Colley
Genomic Facility Lead Scientist
Wales Gene Park
Institute of Medical Genetics
Tel: (029) 2074 4008


The application process for 2015 will open in April, James will circulate the actual date when it becomes available and is very happy to meet up with aspiring candidates.