Content written by Amy Stackhouse

The University is currently in negotiation to purchase a Cardiff Council owned building on the Heath Park Site. This building will be utilised as College Office accommodation, and will provide an opportunity to co-locate the College’s activities in an appropriate space. Work has commenced on the development of a College Estates strategy. Schools have been […]

Professor Paul Dummer, College Dean for Education and Students is leading on an initiative to unify the Fitness to Practise process followed by all Schools within the College that deliver a programme regulated by the professional bodies. Since January 2014, representatives from all Schools and from Registry have been meeting monthly and have developed a […]

The QAA Reviewers visited earlier this month following their first team visit in February.  The Reviewers met a number of groups of staff with different responsibilities, including lecturing staff, professional staff and senior staff from across the University.   They also met with a range of students (undergraduate, postgraduate taught and postgraduate research). The College would […]

Capital Medical University (CMU), Beijing: Strengthening international collaborations will further promote the College and University’s’ growing international reputation, in line with the University’s ‘Way Forward’ agenda. The Capital Medical University project is a key strategic initiative to drive inward and outward international student mobility, develop collaborative degree programmes and further enhance international research links. A CMU […]

Congratulations to Dr John Gallacher from the School of Medicine who has recently secured an additional £7.5 million for stage two of the multi-million pound MRC programme ‘MRC UK Dementias Research Platform (UKDP)’ designed to accelerate progress in dementia research. Launched this month, the MRC UKDP is a public-private partnership that will unite a wealth […]

Gabrielle Couch has joined the College team on a secondment from 10th March 2014 to 31st July 2014 – her primary focus is on finance projects. Joanne Parry has been appointed as the College Office Manager from 1 April 2014 and Carina Hibbs, Governance officer – Human Tissue Act has also joined the College this […]

Carolyn Donoghue, College Registrar, provides an update on how the College is working to develop its Professional Services infrastructure. Background Since the establishment of the College in 2012, we have been working to set up an appropriate infrastructure to deliver professional services within the College, which appropriately support the academic activity. Across the University we […]