Content written by Amy Stackhouse

Two new Head of School appointments have recently been made. Professor John Bligh took up post as Head of the School of Medicine earlier this month. John joined the University in 2010 as Dean of Medical Education and has been overseeing the C21 curriculum review. Professor Marcela Votruba is now Head of the School of […]

The College is working hard to support academic activity. Some examples of work underway include: The College Estates Board has been established with representatives from each School, students, Estates and the NHS to bring together requests for building works and recommend priorities to be approved by College Board. The College HR Business Partner Kim Newcombe […]

In October 2012, more than 40 organisations involved with life science in the UK, including Cardiff University, signed a Declaration on Openness on Animal Research. They agreed to develop a Concordat that sets out how they will be more open about the ways in which they use animals in scientific, medical or veterinary research in […]

The commitment of staff within the College has been recognised at the University’s Celebrating Excellence Awards. In their second year, the awards represent the University’s appreciation of staff who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment and contribution, and who are recognised for excellence in their work. Professor Gary Baxter, Head of the School of Pharmacy and […]