We recently held the first ever ‘Everything you want to know about..’ College events. One event was held in Glamorgan Building and the other at the Sports and Social club, Heath Park.

The purpose of the events is to provide an opportunity for people to engage with the College, meet members of staff, and find out about our plans for the future. It was also a chance for people to have a say on the direction of the College – its strategies and priorities. There has been a great deal of change in recent years and the College structure is still fairly new. These events provide an opportunity for some quality engagement and we hope it will contribute to the development of strong relationships going forward.

The turn-out for both events was extremely encouraging and we had representation from all schools across the College over the two days. We’ve received a huge amount of feedback which will be fed into the planning process for the College. There is quite a lot for us to work through so if you want to get a flavour for the key themes coming out of the event we asked an artist to draw up our discussions (see below). These images are now up on the wall in the College offices to remind us of the things that are important to people and the areas we need to work on together to develop.

For those people that weren’t able to make the event we’ve pulled together a very short video so you can see what it was all about. Hopefully we’ll see you next time?


We hope to run events of this nature in the future and would welcome feedback on how these should be organised. This was a first stab at an engagement event and looking forward our expectation is to make them more tailored and relevant to visitors. Should you have any feedback about the most recent events or future events please let us know: bls@cardiff.ac.uk

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