Call for Presentations

Academic Support: Enabling Student Success – Cardiff University’s Annual Learning and Teaching Conference

Wednesday 9th July 2014 – Haydn Ellis Building, Maindy Road

Systems of academic support are an important means of enabling students to develop the skills, relationships and understanding necessary to thrive while at University. Recognising that there are many innovative examples of how we support the academic ambitions of students at Cardiff, this conference will provide a forum for colleagues to meet and share best practice in this area.

Do you have good practice that you would like to share?  We are looking for short presentations of 10-15 mins for the conference programme. Further information is attached and available on the Student Experience and Academic Standards website. If you are interested in presenting, please send a statement of no more than 250 words outlining your activity or development to by the end of Wednesday 21st May.

If you would like to register as a delegate for the conference please complete the booking form available on our website.  Registration will close at the end of Monday 7th July 2014. If you wish to have a stand or poster in the foyer at the conference – please let us know at by Monday 30th June.

Please feel free to share this email with any colleagues who may be interested.