A consultation on the creation of an Institute of Medical and Dental Education was launched in April 2013, which drew on views from a wide constituency –staff and students, as well as external stakeholders – to formulate a way forward. The College is particularly grateful for the time taken by stakeholders in participating in the consultation.
The feedback highlighted the stakeholder views on the perceived benefits and concerns surrounding the formation of an Institute, embodying key features of the Schools of Dentistry, Medicine and Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education. Overall, the opinion on the desirability of the proposal was evenly divided.
Qualitative feedback from the consultation reinforced the view that aligning complementary activities of the three Schools through creation of Institute of Medical and Dental Education would be of considerable benefit. Sharing of best practice, development of inter-professional activities, and greater capacity could provide a real platform for future success. It seems possible to address the misgivings highlighted in the consultation responses by safeguards embodied in the structure of the Institute, or the process of setting up and operationalising the Institute. Other potential shortcomings can be addressed by clarification of the Institute’s objectives, while still others – particularly the response of students in Dentistry – can be addressed by communicating more directly with the student body in order to clarify the nature of the proposal and respond to any concerns.
The following table highlights the progress made in recent months and the time frame for key milestones:

Another update on the proposal will be available early next year. In the meantime if you have any queries, please contact Claire Morgan (MorganCL2@cf.ac.uk) or Manjit Bansal (Bansalm@cf.ac.uk) who will be able to assist you.