The College of Biomedical and Life Sciences have introduced an annual Performance Development Review process of January to December. This means that all Performance Development Reviews (appraisals) will need to be conducted between January to March 2015. Managers and staff will need to ensure that these meetings are diarised well in advance and given the necessary priority.
The review meetings will provide everyone with an opportunity to discuss the previous year’s performance with their manager before setting fresh objectives for the forthcoming calendar year. It will also provide an opportunity to discuss career development, align objectives to the School, College and University strategy and identify an individual’s contribution to their own success.
Why have a PDR process?
The Way Forward Strategy clearly outlines our ambitions to be a world-leading, research-excellent, educationally outstanding university. We will all play an important role in any future success. Recruitment, retention and development of the best quality staff will be an investment priority and an area of focus right across the University.
In order to continuously improve we must have systems in place that support and develop everyone. Systems that encourage high performance and help to maximise potential. The implementation of these systems must be consistent and of a high quality. Everyone within the College must have a clear understanding of their role within the business and how their work fits into the strategic direction of Cardiff University.
What should a positive PDR deliver?
In seeking to support excellence and enhance performance we need to start with the following:
- Have meaningful conversations on career aspirations and development as part of the review
- Agree clear and consistent objectives
- Focus on what underpinning activities / behaviours will enable everyone to deliver their objectives
- Focus on the quality of the conversation as opposed to the process
- Align development opportunities with future aspirations
- A process of continuous feedback, not just once a year.
Workshops for Managers
The College HR team, in conjunction with Organisational Development, are delivering bespoke workshops to assist in developing skills and behaviours for use during the Performance Development Review process. The aim of the workshop is to outline the benefits of conducting regular and effective Performance Development Review (PDR) meetings, understand the responsibilities of both the line manager and team member and understand the importance of collaborative objective setting. The workshop provides practical tips to managers in relation to conducting meaningful conversations and agreeing measurable objectives that are aligned to strategy that have focus, clarity and can be measured.
Dates and times
We are encouraging all managers to sign up for a workshop session. You can do this at The sessions are only 1 hour and could make all the difference.
- Wednesday 14th January – Cochrane Building / 4th floor seminar room / 10am, 12pm, 2pm and 3:30pm
- Wednesday 21st January – Cochrane Building / 4th Floor seminar room / 10am, 12pm, 3pm
- Thursday 22nd January – Sir Martin Evans Building / Room E1.01 / 10am and 1pm
- Tuesday 27th January – Hadyn Ellis Building / Room 0.27B / 10am and 1pm
- Thursday 5th February – Obs and Gynae seminar room / 2pm
- Friday 6th February – Henry Wellcome Building / Room UG16 / 9.30am
- Thursday 12th February – Henry Wellcome Building / Room UG16 / 10.30am
At a later date there will be additional support provided for all employees to ensure that everyone gets the most out of their Performance Development Review. We want to create a positive experience, not something that people dread once a year. We’re hoping for lots of engagement and the development of a review system that adds significant value to the business.
Should you have any questions / queries about what you have read here or want to know more about the Performance Development Review process please don’t hesitate to contact:
Samantha Clark
Human Resources Business Partner – College of Biomedical & Life Sciences
Room 2F25, Cardigan House
Heath Park
Tel: (0)29 20688653
Mobile: 07875 480618