The School of Medicine has begun a project, known as MEDIC Forward, which aims to ensure that we have a School of Medicine that is fit for the future. All staff in the School were informed about the project on 12 and 13 November by Professor John Bligh, Dean of Medicine.

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The MEDIC Forward project is a positive initiative that will provide the opportunity to build on existing success, investigate new ways of working, and embrace positive change that delivers real impact. The project will undertake a major review to deliver transformational change across the School of Medicine. It will comprehensively review all functions within the School and implement the changes required to ensure that the School is well placed to take advantage of future opportunities.

The MEDIC Forward project aims to ensure that we have a School of Medicine that is fit for the future.

The work will further support the University’s ‘The Way Forward 2012-2017’ Strategy to deliver a world-leading, research-excellent, educationally outstanding university. The School of Medicine has declared its ambition to be amongst the very best Schools of Medicine in the UK having already launched a pioneering programme within Medical Education (C21). The MEDIC Forward project is another positive step towards the delivery of professional excellence through world leading research and high quality teaching.

Essentially, the review will help the School to understand what they are doing really well, identify where there are opportunities to improve, and, more importantly, to identify where there are any gaps. The project will provide the opportunity to build on existing success, investigate new ways of working, and embrace positive change that delivers real impact.

If you would like to know more about the MEDIC Forward project please contact: Email: