Capital Medical University (CMU), Beijing

Strengthening international collaborations will further promote the College and University’s growing international reputation, in line with the University’s ‘Way Forward’ agenda. The Capital Medical University project is a key strategic initiative to drive inward and outward international student mobility, develop collaborative degree programmes and further enhance international research links.

A CMU Steering Group has been established, chaired by Dr Dianne Watkins, College Dean for International with membership from Schools across the College.  Three task and finish groups are also in place to develop proposals in the areas of Undergraduate, Postgraduate Taught and Postgraduate Research.

Dr Dianne Watkins, College Dean for International and Claire Morgan, Associate Dean Quality and Standards visited Capital Medical University, Beijing in March to commence due diligence and meet with key senior academics at CMU to agree high level proposals and priorities for this collaboration.

An action plan has been developed based on discussions held during the visit. Mapping of curricula and modules, research interests and post graduate taught provision is being undertaken within the College of Biomedical and Life Sciences to develop definitive collaborative proposals.

If you would like to find out more about the project or would like to be involved, please contact Dr Dianne Watkins ( or Manjit Bansal (