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Meeting updates

UEB 27 October 2014

27 October 2014
  • A business case from the School of Optometry (OPTOM) on expansion of their postgraduate taught programme was discussed. The paper outlined expansion plans for the provision of PGT courses for UK and overseas optometrists and eye care professionals based on a track record of success and set out how clinical space and staff structure could be developed. UEB agreed to approve capital investment for refurbishment costs and revenue funding for additional staff for the first year in order to expand PGT provision in OPTOM.
  • UEB received a report on the WorkFit pilot work experience initiative supporting the placement of two individuals with Down’s syndrome in the Eye Clinic in Optometry. The Board expressed the view that, as one of the largest employers in Cardiff, the University has a corporate social responsibility to provide work experience and employment to individuals with differing abilities. It was agreed that schemes and opportunities for work placements and internships, paid and unpaid, be worked up. It was agreed that the College PVCs and Ms Dowden, as the four budget holders, would commit funds from 2015/16 to a budget that might fund limited forms of employment for individuals with differing abilities.
  • UEB received the University’s return on the Regional Strategy Annual Monitoring Statement, on behalf of the South East Wales Region. It was noted that HEFCW had requested that the regional strategy be rolled forward for a further year whilst they review the future of regional planning and the universities in the South East Wales Region had agreed that a steer be provided to HEFCW to move to a more meaningful approach based on the City Region.  The Board agreed to approve the Regional Strategy Annual Monitoring Statement for submission to HEFCW.

UEB received the following regular reports

  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor Report
  • PVC College of Physical Sciences & Engineering Monthly Report
  • PVC Biomedical & Life Sciences Monthly Report