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Meeting updates

UEB 2 February 2015

2 February 2015
  • UEB received a paper outlining The Way Forward KPI criteria.  It was agreed that the baseline year for all the KPI criteria should be 2012/13, i.e. the year that the Vice-Chancellor arrived.
  • A paper outlining UEB’s high level risks was reviewed.  It was agreed that this risk register would now go to Audit Committee, Policy & Resources Committee and Council.  The approach will also be discussed with the Registrars and the Directors of Professional Services for implementation in all areas of the University.

UEB received the following regular report

  • Director of Communications and Marketing Monthly Report. The report noted that the intranet had been launched to staff as planned on 14 January. It received 4,000+ unique visitors in the first week (who made just over 10,000 visits and viewed 37,000 pages).  The intranet launches to students on 26 January.  An internal announcement on the Master plan is being finalised for the next edition of Blas and updates to the website.  The new URIs announcement will also be made internally in Blas (with plans being developed for the external launch in September).