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Meeting updates

UEB 11 May 2015

11 May 2015
  • UEB received a paper outlining the proposed governance arrangements for the two new Innovation Buildings.  It was agreed that a revised paper would come back to UEB the following week to align more closely with the current remits for the Building Projects Steering group and a slightly amended membership.
  • UEB received a paper analysing the University’s REF performance and further detail and context on the University’s submission at individual UoA level.
  • UEB received a business case making the case for the purchase of an externally sourced workload modelling solution to capture the data which was key in allowing the workload modelling work data to be captured consistently.  UEB agreed that this should be progressed.
  • UEB received the University’s 2013/14 Fee plan report to students and agreed that this will now be published on the website.
  • UEB received and approved the 2016/17 HEFCW Institutional Fee Plan.  The return will now be considered for approval by Council on 18 May and then submitted to HEFCW by 22 May.

UEB received the following regular reports:

  • Deputy Vice-Chancellor Monthly Report. The report updated on the Deputy Vice-Chancellor’s monthly activity including the visit of Beijing Municipal Government Delegation and MoU signing, a meeting with Simon Wright (the new Academic Registrar) on plans for Confirmation and Clearing this year, and the Clinical Teacher of the Year Awards Dinner.  The update also reported on the Enriching Student Life Awards (ESLAs) annual event hosted by Rhys Jenkins VP Education.
  • Report on Engagement Activities. The report updated on each of the flagship engagement projects and on engagement activities with the Welsh and UK government. The report also noted upcoming events and initiatives which included events identified at the Eisteddfod, a GW4 joint meeting scheduled for June to discuss research impact and engagement, and the Hay Festival programme with confirmed Cardiff staff.
  • Report on International Activities. The report update on activity with KU Leuven, China, India and Horizon 2020 developments.
  • Director of Communications and Marketing Monthly Report. The report noted that an internal communications consultation has been rolled out to all Schools.  The Professional Services quality survey intranet has been developed.  The report also updated on media relations and campaigns as well as public affairs developments.