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Meeting updates

UEB 8 June 2015

8 June 2015
  • UEB received a paper providing an update on all European Structural Funds proposals in development at the University, including the project FLEXIS the outcome for which is due to be known on 24 June 2015. UEB agreed to accept the ERDF East Wales capital award of £4.6 million for CUBRIC II.
  • UEB received the draft research vision for GW4. It was noted that the themes are very broad, align with ‘grand challenge’ areas and reflect the discussions at the GW4 Away Day.  Each university would co-ordinate a theme with Cardiff co-ordinating the Healthy Living theme.
  • UEB received the Governance Framework update. Some additions were requested to include the process for appointment and the main responsibilities of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Thematic Pro Vice-Chancellors.  Once updated the paper would be published on the intranet.

UEB received the following regular reports:

  • Report on Engagement Activities. The report updated on each of the flagship engagement projects and on engagement activities with the Welsh and UK government. The report also noted upcoming events and initiatives which included events identified at the Eisteddfod which includes debate on the future of Welsh media, the launch of ‘Welsh for All’ and a debate on Innovation in Public Services.
  • Report on International Activities. The report update on activity with KU Leuven, China and Hong Kong, US Ambassador visit and Horizon 2020 and Vision 2020 developments.