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Meeting updates

UEB 5 October 2015

5 October 2015
  • It was noted that the University’s presence at the political party conferences and the recent Cardiff URI launch had been well received.
  • It was noted that South Wales Police had convened a leadership summit involving universities in Cardiff and Cardiff Council to build a longer term partnership to develop a safe environment for residents and visitors to Cardiff.
  • UEB received a paper on 2015/16 UK/EU undergraduate bursaries and scholarship schemes. It was agreed to approve that the scheme would continue on the same broad basis for 2016/17.

UEB received the following regular reports

  • PVC College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Monthly Report. The report updated on College NSS The Way Forward targets, noting that the College average had increased from 87% in 2014 to 90% for 2015 in the student satisfaction section and that seven of the ten Schools had achieve the target of 90% or over.
  • PVC Student Experience and Academic Standards Monthly Report. The report updated on key priorities: Centre for Student Life, Educational Change Portfolio and the Physical Learning Spaces.