Terms of reference (Revised September 2023)


HEWIT is an association of Digital Leaders, drawn from all higher education institutions in Wales. The group is interested in Information Systems and Technology and provides a network of contacts and a lobbying voice for the HE ICT sector in Wales.

HEWIT is a recognised Regional Directors group of the Universities and Colleges Information Systems Association (UCISA), and where appropriate for the benefit of the group, will work with other UCISA special interest groups.

HEWIT operates within UCISA’s charitable objects, actively engages through the UCISA annual planning process, membership of the UCISA Leadership Council and may request funding from UCISA to fulfil its objectives.


HEWIT exists to promote excellence in the application of information systems and services in support of teaching, learning, research and administration primarily in higher education, but recently in further education.

Its aims are:

  • To identify best practice and to spread its use through :
    • the organisation of conferences, seminars and workshops;
    • the promotion and support of collaboration and partnership between institutions;
    • the publication, including electronic publication, of material;
    • the promotion of development and research.
  • To inform, influence and support policy making processes within institutions and nationally on the cost effective application of information systems and services.
  • To establish groups to investigate and, where appropriate, assist with implementing broader collaborative initiatives, e.g. Cyber Security, HEWIT Shared Services, Public Sector Broadband Aggregation (PSBA), Welsh Government, Digital Strategy.
  • To raise the profile of Digital services and developments in our own institutions, in Wales and beyond.


1.     Membership

  1. Full membership of the HEWIT shall be open to Higher Education Institutions funded by the Welsh Funding Council.; full members are expected to be UCISA members.
  2. Membership is open to all Higher Education Institutions in Wales.
  3. Each institution, or where applicable group, is entitled to up to two representatives, one of whom should have responsibility for the institutional computing service and up to one other with senior management responsibility for ICT services.
  4. Each institution, or where applicable group, is allowed one vote in the election of officers.
  5. In exceptional circumstances employees of an institution will be allowed to join as an Affiliate member, at the discretion of its members.

2.     Meetings

HEWIT typically meets on average four times a year – once at the University of Wales Conference Centre in Gregynog, once at a member University and twice by Video-Conference.

There shall be an Annual General Meeting of HEWIT in June to coincide with the staff development Colloquium held at Gregynog.

3.     Minutes

  1. Approved minutes are posted on the HEWIT web site and also forwarded to HE Wales for information.

4.     Officers

  1. HEWIT shall have a Chair, a Vice Chair, and Secretary/Clerk, who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting by and from the representatives of its full member institutions.
  2. The Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary shall each serve for a period of two years. An election of officers to these posts must take place every two years.
  3. If a casual vacancy occurs among any of the officers between Annual Meetings, such a vacancy shall be filled at the next general meeting. The period between a general meeting and the annual meeting shall not count towards the period of office.
  4. The term of office for the Chair, Vice Chair or Secretary/Clerk can be suspended at any time if a majority of those institutions or Groups eligible to vote, declare a vote of ‘no confidence’ in the officer.
  5. HEWIT shall appoint a Development Officer to provide professional support and guidance.

5.     Election Procedure

  1. Elections for HEWIT officer positions will normally be held prior to the Annual General Meeting in June.
  2. An independent non elected member will be asked to assume the role of election officer.
  3. Nominations to be emailed directly to the election officer.
  4. Any member can nominate any other member.
  5. A member can put themselves forward for any of the Officer positions.
  6. If there is only one candidate for a position, that person will be declared elected at the next HEWIT
  7. If there is more than one nomination for any position and the nominees are prepared to stand an election will be run via email.
  8. There will be one vote per HEWIT institution.
  9. If there are two candidates for a position and there is a tie, there will be a further round of voting.
  10. If there are more than two candidates and there is a tie, then the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes will go into a further round of voting.

6.     Committee Representation

From time to time, HEWIT members will be invited to join an external committee.

a) Where they represent their institution only:

  1. They should make it known that they are representing the view of their institution only.
  2. At their discretion they may chose to report on the discussions to HEWIT.

b) Where they are asked to represent HEWIT or a number of HEWIT institutions:

  1. HEWIT or the interested parties should be asked to approve their representation.
  2. They should make it known to the committee who they are representing.
  3. Any proposals requiring binding decisions should be referred back to the interested parties for consideration and to establish a collective position.
  4. The representative should produce a report on any discussions that take place at the meeting to accompany any minutes and disseminate to interested parties.

7.     Current lead members are:

Tim Davies Aberystwyth University
Justin Williams Wrexham University
Neil Bickerstaff Cardiff University
Simone Barbaresi Bangor University
Sean Cullinan Cardiff Metropolitan University
Paul Westmore Swansea University
James Cale  University of Wales, Trinity Saint David
Chris Price Swansea University
Nathalie Czechowski University of South Wales

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