France’s Action Against Maritime Piracy and the CGPCS: Interests, Interaction and Priorities

Dr. Cédric Leboeuf, Université de Nantes.

France is an active participant in the Contact Group and in its working groups. Since 2009, France attempts to draw attention to the situation in Somalia, notably by arguing that the destabilization of Somalia directly threatened European and international security. As EU member, France calls for responsibility and respect for international legal norms. Within the framework of the Common Security and Defence Policy, France play a key role in promoting notably the coordination between civilian and military actors of the maritime surveillance.

This paper will address issues about the contribution of France within the different CGPCS working groups: attendance, discussions or even necessary impetus protecting various international, european and national interests. The role of France has to be appreciated regarding the EU presidency of the Contact Group. The interaction between the work of the CGPCS and the Trust fund to support the initiatives of States countering piracy off the coast of Somalia must be considered as well. Read the full paper here.

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