Security Council reaffirms fight against Somali piracy

On 12th November, the United Nations Security Council unanimously passed resolution 2184 renewing authorisations, first passed in 2008, for international action to combat piracy off the Coast of Somalia. The resolution highlighted the importance of coordination among States and international organizations in order to deter acts of piracy and armed robbery at sea off the coast of Somalia, commends the work of the CGPCS to facilitate such coordination in cooperation with the IMO, flag States, and Somali authorities, and urges continued support of these efforts

The resolution  also continued to exempt, from the arms embargo imposed on Somalia by resolution 733 (1992), supplies of weapons and military equipment destined for the sole use of States, international, regional and sub-regional organizations taking measures in line with the authorizations. In addition, the Security Council underlined the primary responsibility of Somali actors in the fight against piracy and armed robbery off their coast and urged Somali authorities to adopt the necessary legal framework.  Furthermore, all States were urged to adopt legislation to facilitate the prosecution of suspected pirates and to take measures to prevent the illicit financing of piracy.

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