The acting chair of the CGPCS, the European External Action Service has announced the initial agenda of the next working group and plenary meetings. The plenary will take place on the 8th of July in New York, while Working Group meetings are scheduled for the day prior. For the plenary, presentations of the UNODC’s Maritime Crime Forum, on FAO’s response to fishery crimes, on the HIgh Risk Area meeting and on the Lessons Learned Project are scheduled.
The new CGPCS newsletter, which can be accessed here, focusses specifically on the work of UNODC and EUCAP Nestor. As Maciej Popowski, current Chairmen of the CGPCS, phrases it in his introduction to the newsletter, the “broad range of activities undertaken through both the MCP and the EU mission” are impressive. “Through efforts like these we ensure that the positive trend downwards (zero successful pirate attacks since 2012), is sustained and not reversed.”