The Co-Chairs of the Working Group on Maritime Counter-piracy and Mitigation Operations have announced the agenda for the next meeting. The meeting will be held in conjunction with the CGPCS’s 18th Plenary Session and take place in New York on 7th July 2015.
The goal of the meeting will be to discuss the recent activities of the Working Group, as well as key developments in the area of Maritime Counter-piracy and Mitigation Operations. One of the main agenda items will be to consider the recently completed report of the Technical Subgroup on Maritime Situational Awareness (MSA). In addition, the SHADE Co-Chairs will provide a briefing on the latest Threat Assessment on the High-Risk Area, which was requested by the CGPCS Chair in March and presented at the recent SHADE Conference in Bahrain. The briefing will provide helpful background to members in advance of the larger discussion on the HRA during the Plenary Session. The meeting agenda and relevant background documents are available through the CGPCS Workspace.