On the second day of the Seychelles counter-piracy week working group and ad hoc meetings were held. In the morning two working groups and the legal forum met. The working group Capacity Building discussed the state of capacity building efforts as well as the plans for how to continue its work. The Combined Maritime Forces gave an update on behalf of SHADE, the progress of the Somali Maritime Security Coordination Committee (MSCC) and the linked Somali Marine Resource and Security Strategy (SMRSS) was presented by IGAD, Oceans Beyond Piracy as well as a range of Somali representatives. The discussion then switched to the future of the working group. The UK presented three options, 1) to maintain the status quo, 2) to reconfigure and split the group in a national (Somali) and a regional (Western Indian Ocean) component, or 3) to disband the group transferring discussions to IMO and UNODC. In the following discussion participants demonstrated a strong preference for the second option. Under this option the coordination of Somali capacity building would be transfered to the MSCC chair, the regional group would be chaired by the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) and potentially a regional state with support by the US NGO Oceans Beyond Piracy.
The working group Disrupting Pirate Networks Ashore led by Italy discussed the current state of prosecuting piracy king pins and the successful work of the Law Enforcement Task Force. It was agreed that the work of the group is continued under the lead of Kenya and UNODC. The Legal Forum met to discuss the state of the forum and the website, as well as to reflect on the latest piracy judgement. The forum also launched a discussion on how to regulate floating armories operating in the Western Indian Ocean.
In the afternoon two ad hoc meetings were held. The first convened by BIMCO focused on how the industry can support capacity building. The second meeting chaired by UNODC, discussed how the coordination of the implementation of UNSC Resolution 2244 calling for the interruption of th charcoal trade from Somalia can be improved. This was followed by a site visit to the Seychelles Coast Guard Base and the UNODC judicial Court at Ile du Port.