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Graduate Attributes Map

Develop an interactive website to showcase how students can develop their skills and attributes on your programme and via extracurricular activities.

Following programme approval, Student Futures will continue to work with you to produce a student-facing Graduate Attributes Map. These Maps are developed on an interactive website tailored to your programme and designed to explicitly highlight to students how they can develop each attribute via curricular and extracurricular activities.

View our Graduate Attributes Map Template via the button below.

Graduate Attributes Map Template

Graduate Attributes Maps can be used as a promotional tool to prospective students at Open Days and they can also be used by Personal Tutors to support career-related discussions with students and signpost them to the most relevant services.

Your Graduate Attributes Map will contain the following information:

This page with introduce the six Cardiff University graduate attributes and each of their sub-attributes.

This page shows the breakdown of modules on the programme and highlights any graduate attributes that a student will have the opportunity to develop through learning activities and assessments. It also allows for a short descriptor on how graduate attributes and employability skills will be developed.

This page highlights activities that students can engage with outside of their studies to develop their Graduate Attributes.

“In-School activities” relate to extracurricular activities arranged by the Academic School, delivered for the benefit of their own students. These activities would typically be organised by the Academic School on its own, or in collaboration with other Schools, Professional Services Teams, Employers, and / or Alumni.

“University-wide activities” relate to extracurricular activities that take place outside of the Academic School, so are typically run by other Schools, Professional Services Teams and / or Employers.

This page provides students with information on the types of jobs and careers linked to their degree that they might go into after graduation.

This page outlines the wide range of Student Futures services that students can access during their time at Cardiff University and for up to three years after graduation.

Post approval, your Business Partner will connect you to our Learning Resources team who will support you through the Graduate Attributes Map development process.