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Study, work or volunteer abroad

Explore your options for studying, working or volunteering abroad with Global Opportunities.

There are many opportunities and plenty of support available to help you study, work or volunteer abroad during your time at Cardiff University. From an unforgettable summer volunteering experience immersed in a new culture to a memorable semester spent refining your language skills and expanding your subject knowledge, the Global Opportunities team in Student Futures has you covered!

Benefits of going abroad

Spending time abroad whilst you are at university is often a once in a lifetime experience to travel, explore a new culture or embrace a new language. It is also a great way to develop confidence, meet new people and enhance your employability skills, such as communication, teamwork and adaptability.

Opportunities to go abroad

As a Cardiff University student, you might be able to:

There is also a range of funding options available to support students to gain experience abroad whilst at university.

Get advice

Get advice and support from Global Opportunities to explore your options to go abroad. Read comprehensive advice about all aspects of spending time abroad on the student intranet and book an appointment with the Global Opportunities team through your Student Futures Account.

Further resources

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