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Meeting updates

UEB 16 November 2015

16 November 2015
  • UEB received the Russell Group and UUK initial responses to the HE Green Paper ‘Fulfilling our Potential: Teaching Excellence, Social Mobility and Student Choice’. Discussions on the areas that Cardiff University should concentrate its response were discussed.  It was agreed that Planning would liaise with the PVC for Student Experience and Academic Standards and the PVC for Research, Innovation and Engagement to draft the response.  The draft response will need come back to UEB before Christmas to ensure UEB can discuss the response and that it meets the 15 January 2016 deadline.
  • It was agreed that once the Draft Paper for Senate: Defining Cardiff University’s Academic Research Ambition had been received the Communication Team publicise the paper and follow up with a summary of the minutes and any outcome from the senior staff meeting on 7 December.
  • It was noted that the launch of the Compound Semiconductor Institute in Westminster and the Hadyn Ellis Lecture were both taking place on 18 November 2015.
  • UEB received the Financial Report for 2014/15. It was noted that the Research Income had now exceeded the KPI and had grown 15.2%.

UEB received the following regular reports

  • Estates projects updates.