Category Archives: Online archive

Working with CoDA to develop our online archive

CoDA logoWe are very pleased to be working with Michael, Kelley, Tyler, Ruth and the rest of the team at the Center for Digital Archaeology (CoDA) in the development of the project’s online interactive archive. Based in California, the CoDA team are multimedia specialists dedicated to the development of tools and services to help individuals and organisations create, manage and publish digital heritage content. Across the summer of 2015 we have been working with CoDA to develop a multimedia database that stores and manages the images we are collecting and the information about them. At the same time we have been working together to design and build our project’s interactive online archive using is the Content Management System (CMS) and hosting option developed by CoDA specifically to make digital heritage accessible online and for its long-term safe-keeping. We are now nearing the point in development when our project database and the online archive are synchronised. Once this is achieved we will be able to seamlessly upload the collected images and their associated information from the database direct to the online archive. We will let you know when this phase of development is complete.