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Dr Jane Herron already had an established research career when she decided to take a break from it all and raise a family. Now back in the workplace thanks to a Wellcome Trust career re-entry fellowship award things are back on track. Earlier this month we caught up with Jane to discuss her experiences and […]

Cardiff University’s ambition to become a world leader in brain imaging research has been brought a step closer to realisation after receiving a vital funding boost worth £15.6M. Awarded by four separate funding bodies, the money will contribute to the ongoing development of a £44M state-of-the-art neuroimaging research facility. Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre […]

The Way Forward The Way Forward: Making It Happen Workshops 2 days Each workshop is led by a member of UEB.  Participants will be a mix of academic and professional services staff.  The two day residential workshop will examine the four key themes of The Way Forward and allow participants to discuss how the strategic direction affects […]

The Staff Development Programme for 2014/2015 has now been launched.   The programme can be accessed here   Please take this opportunity to review your objectives for the forthcoming year to inform what activities will support you in delivering successfully within your role and your teams.  If you have line management responsibility, please consider areas for development […]

Construction is underway on a state-of-the-art research centre at Cardiff University, set to become one of Europe’s top facilities for brain imaging. The new £44M Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC) will co-locate world-leading expertise in brain mapping with the very latest in brain imaging and brain stimulation. The centre will play a pivotal […]