The application of nested WAM for the North-East Atlantic (NEA) Ocean Base, Celtic Sea and a specific area in South-West England, as an example, is shown below. Preliminary results of the nested WAM model for the above mentioned areas have been incorporated onto Google Earth, and can be viewed by downloading the following Google Earth file – for a period of 10 days: 01-10/01/1996.
Wave Modelling (Levels 1)
Wave Modelling (Levels 2 – nested in Level 1)
Google Earth Files
Warning: It may take a while to download due to size of the files – each animation contains 240 images.
- South-West Waves_2.kmz 4642k – 14 Dec 2013, 17:32 by Shunqi Pan (v5)
Fine Nested Computational Domain – covering SW part of the UK coast [1/36 deg by 1/36 deg]
- South-West Waves_1.kmz 4744k – 14 Dec 2013, 17:32 by Shunqi Pan (v5)
Secondary Nested Computational Domain – covering Celtic Sea [1/9 deg by 1/12 deg]
- South-West Waves_0.kmz 12385k – 14 Dec 2013, 17:32 by Shunqi Pan (v5)
Primary Coarse Computational Domain – covering NEA [1/2 deg by 1/2 deg]