Day: May 14, 2012

Day 3: Sampling on Steroids

Posted on 14 May 2012 by Pete

For me the day started extremely well with coffee….no one has designed a better drug for starting a day in my opinion and the coffee and breakfast the apartment staff organized was excellent. But this was a short rest-bit from the really work of sort through the previous days samples and before half eight we
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Day 2 – First Day in the field

Posted on 14 May 2012 by Pete

Day 2 – First Day in the field Before starting are earthworm search we had to drop into the local supermarket and pick up a few essentials…..first aid kits, lunch, sunblock and swimming trunks for Mike – yes they do stock these in Azorian supermarkets !! We then set off in bright sunshine to the
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Day 1 – Cardiff to Sao Miguel, the Azores

Posted on 14 May 2012 by Pete

Day 1 – Cardiff to Sao Miguel, the Azores Set out from Cardiff in good time. Avis was asked to provide a big car…….they obviously interpreted this as meaning engine size as the plush BMW they provided had such a small boot that we ended up with suitcases on the back seat and on our
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Pre-trip preparation. The Kit – Software and hardware

Posted on 14 May 2012 by Pete

Pre-trip preparation. The Kit – Software and hardware You may assume that the equipment for collecting worms is straightforward, a garden fork, a bag and a pen to label your specimens. Well if this was your assumption you would be wrong…….you need much more. The simplest item, such as the fork, is replaced by a
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