This is Ashley here with a final report before the end of this visit. Looking back over the last five days here it’s hard to believe how much data we’ve acquired. We certainly have stormed through data acquisition. In part due to not encountering another four and a half hour “stored beam has been lost” incident. But in a far greater part due to our punishing work schedule.
I have learnt a few processes whilst here which I thought I should share;
How to use a light microscope to mosaic multiple shots and create beautifully detailed images,
creating a large fluorescence map to initially locate elements,

processing XANES maps to gain information on what the environments of these elements are and where different environments are located,
and finally, and also most nerve-wrackingly, running the software which controls the machinery.
I’ll be heading off tomorrow morning and it has been a great experience to work here and to help Prof. Morgan and Prof. Kille with their research.