On one hand the same-day commute to Edinburgh is a wonderful illustration of the power of flight on the other it makes for a heavy day. The flights leaves at 6.30 am which means you can be at your central Edinburgh destination by 9 am but it does mean that wake-up time is 4.30 am!! So heavy eyed I embark on the Edinburgh airport bus – then the phone bleeps. It’s a message from Tom – he’s so sick he cannot move from his bed…..the message is detailed logistic don’t panic message for me and Malin, the workshop coordinator, that finishes ‘and Pete just be yourself’.
In the end the workshop participants are the stars and although I have to compare the event the great science and the engaged audience make things run smoothly with little input from me. Tom does make it for day 2, but by then Malin has fallen to a mysterious and unconnected illness. So it is with heavy tired feet that I embark 36 hours starting out on the 20.00 pm flight back to Cardiff and despite the auto-number plate recognition failing at the airport car park I arrive home to enjoy a last night in my own bed.
Our host for the workshop was Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh. This is gem at the centre of Edinburgh I recommended you visit.