The Great Amazon Adventure Starts

The Great Amazon Adventure Starts: Hook a Worm to Catch a Man.

Everything you could want by river: Day 2 Manaus

Posted on 21 April 2015 by Pete

Nothing prepares you for the shear expanse of the Amazon – about 20 minutes out of Bazillia the jungle starts and just continues for the next ~2 hours until you land in Manaus. If you think the plain is flying at 300-500 mph then to start to get the picture. We did have some cloud
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The greatest adventures start with one step

Posted on 21 April 2015 by Pete

For those who what to know where we are and where we have been Dan (Pass) has kindly set up an interactive map showing our route taken during this trip.  I will attempt to add detail so that anyone looking at follow our rain forest adventure. Interactive map link    
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