Bronwen Maggs and Claire Wisener report on the final concert of the 2015 tour…
CUSO tour, Day 7, Baden-Baden
On day seven of what has been a hugely successful orchestra tour, Cardiff University Symphony Orchestra earned themselves a full standing ovation in the Kurhaus Casino, Baden-Baden. Rightfully so, the audience were extremely impressed with the performance. Marketing Assistant Claire Wisener spoke to one gentleman who told her it was his and his wife’s 59th wedding anniversary; he said that they could not have asked for a better present. He thought the concert was magical.
The orchestra played extremely well in Heidelberg and their rehearsals in Baden-Baden’s casino on the day set the standard even higher. The concert surpassed all expectations. All those in the management team have observed, over the past week, as the benefits of working together as an orchestra on tour have become increasingly apparent. Not only have the musicians become closer as friends and colleagues, but they play as a unit and their close relationships are evident in their playing. Their trust in each other is heightened and this includes their confidence in their conductor, Mark Eager.
Once again, the orchestra and Mark moved as one today. From an audience perspective it was clear that everyone shared in a passion for the pieces performed. They all looked entirely absorbed in the music and in its context. Despite the sadness depicted in sections of the final two works, the concert was entirely enjoyable to watch. Each and every musician played with insight and skill.
The tour could not have ended on a better note. Hats off to all involved. Here’s hoping CUSO will hold onto the memories for a long time to come.
CUSO say a big thank you to all of the European musicians who joined us for our tour. They became a vital part of the team and we say goodbye to them with very heavy hearts. Also, a massive thank you to Kenneth Hamilton, Head of Cardiff University School of Music for his continuing support and dedication to making this tour excellent. Claire Wisener, Victoria Thomas and Emily Anthony, all key members of the tour’s management team, are owed thanks for all their hard work and their invaluable contribution in the lead up to and during tour.
Catherine Mainwaring was not only our Principal French Horn, but was also Assistant Tour Manager and she did a remarkable job of taking charge, getting us organised, thinking ahead and remaining cool as a cucumber whatever the situation; a massive thank you to her. Tour Manager Helen Conway deserves a standing ovation herself for the work she has done for the orchestra this year and I know that the musicians all want to say a huge thank you to her for everything she has done and continues to do for them.
This tour could never have happened and could never have been the success it has been, without the dedication, knowledge and talent of conductor, Mark Eager. It seems only fitting that he has the final word:
“When I took over conducting CUSO I had a number of exciting plans, many of which have come to fruition, including two CD recordings. One which was difficult to get off the ground for financial and other reasons was a tour. I am absolutely thrilled that last week’s German trip was such a success.
In particular the concert, with a full standing ovation to a packed house in Baden-Baden, was really an culmination of the orchestra’s achievements over the last few years. The comments from the German audience were outstanding; some claiming that what they heard was as good as their local professional orchestra – praise indeed. In general, our audience were impressed with the attention to detail and orchestral musical discipline. One man who talked to Professor Hamilton was near to tears at the emotion conveyed to him through the performance.
From my point of view every single player improved musically and technically through the week’s rehearsals and I had full commitment to excellence throughout – what more could I ask? The German & French guest players integrated so well both socially and musically, lending even more value to the educational element of the tour.
The management team too, were relaxed and in control throughout, which made the tour a delight. All in all, a tremendous time was had, as can be seen from the numerous posts and photographs on Facebook & Twitter.
I’m already very much looking forward to next year.”