
JANUARY 2018 A legal guide for adopters, written by Sarah Coldrick, AFA Cymru and Julie Doughty, Cardiff University. Click HERE to download a copy in English or HERE for a copy in Welsh.

General information:

An adoption order will only be made by a court where a child has been placed for adoption by an adoption agency with the parents’ full consent, or after a placement order has been made by a court.

Regulations and guidance about adoption are based on the Adoption and Children Act 2002.  However, since that Act came into force, law and policy on adoption between England and Wales has increasingly diverged.

Information about all aspects of adoption in Wales is available from the National Adoption Service. Their services include the Wales Adoption Register which is a secure database identifying links to facilitate matching of children requiring adoptive placements with adopters across Wales.

BAAF Cymru had a wide range of resources on adoption and fostering, but ceased to operate in July 2015. Its training and consultancy services have continued as AFA Cymru. Their legal consultant is available for advice to members.

Adoption UK is a membership organisation which offers support and advice to adoptive families and prospective adopters.

Following implementation of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014, assessment and provision of  support for children who have been adopted, and their carers, is included in Parts 3 and 4 of the Act, and associated Codes.