Welsh Government guidance for foster carers

The most important legal provisions for foster carers in Wales are found in Regulations and Guidance.  The regulations in the other UK nations are different. These were revised and replaced during 2019, and are now issued under the Regulation and Inspection of Social Care Act 2016.

The regulations are:

Regulated Fostering Services (Service Providers and Responsible Individuals) (Wales) Regulations 2019 (SI 2019/169)

Fostering Panels (Establishment and Functions) (Wales) Regulations 2018 (SI…..

In addition, the Welsh Government has issued a range of guidance:

  1. Delegated Authority to Foster Carers  Sets out the process to list those items of autonomy in relation to the the everyday decision about the children in their care.
  2. National Minimum Maintenance Allowances for Foster Carers 2017-2020.  Sets out recommended national minimum maintenance allowances for foster carers by Local Authorities and independent fostering providers
  3. Independent Reviewing Mechanism   The IRM Panels independently review adoption and fostering suitability applications from potential and current adopters and foster carers, whose agency or fostering service provider has decided not to approve them as a foster carer or adopter, or to terminate or change the terms of their approval.  
  4. Private Fostering  Legislation, standards and guidance was introduced in Wales from 1 April 2006.
  5. When I Am Ready.  All local authorities are now setting up local schemes in line with the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 to provide for post-18 living arrangements which allow looked-after children to continue living with their foster carers beyond the age of 18. More resources on ‘When I Am Ready’ are available from The Fostering Network.
  6. Advice about unaccompanied asylum-seeking children.
  7. Statutory guidance and a Code of Practice to providers of foster care services since April 2019.