M&CCE Expo 2016

Posted on 22 July 2016 by CoastalRes@Cardiff

Shunqi is to speak at M&CCE Expo 2016, which runs alongside of the Flood Expo 2016, on the impacts of the SLR on Welsh Coasts drawing the results from Aasem’s research. http://www.mcceexpo.co.uk/speakers/dr-shunqi-pan/
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WISE Summer School 2016

Posted on 25 June 2016 by CoastalRes@Cardiff

WISE 2016 Summer School was held at Eastwood Park between 20-24 June, during which various activities were arranged including: Challenge projects, Project presentations, Social events, Quiz, Site Visit to Avonmouth Sewage Treatment Plant (Wessex Water) and Bristol Harbourside Challenge.  David presented a poster and Stephen won the Challenge Project prize. Many congratulations. >>> more photos
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Wales Flood Conference

Posted on 11 June 2016 by CoastalRes@Cardiff

David attended the Wales Flooding Conference on 7th June 2016 held in Cardiff. The conference was sponsored by Atkins, MWH and Waterco, and supported by Natural Resources Wales, the Welsh Government and Dŵr Cymru Welsh Water. David also entered the poster competition at the conference was ranked highly.
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Visitors from IIT-B

Posted on 5 June 2016 by CoastalRes@Cardiff

Prof Manasa Behera and his student Ms Piyali Chowdhury from Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT-B) Powai (Mumbai) visited the coastal group from 1 June 2016. During their visit, we exchanged research experiences in modelling coastal and ocean hydrodynamics and COAST2D model was setup for a coastal site on the west coast of India. Opportunities
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