Presentations and Lectures
This page provides a listing of the invited talks and conference papers that draw on the SEE approach. It begins in January 2008, with the most recent events appearing at the top of the list.
- 20 November 2009, University of Copenhagen [Collins]
- 6 October 2009, Smithsonian Institute, Washington DC [Collins]
- 5 October 2009, University of Washington, Baltimore [Collins]
- 31 Aug-1 Sept 2009 Workshop on uncertainty in science, Les Treilles, France [Collins]
- 10-11 July 2009, Science Foo Camp, Googleplex, California [Collins]
- 5 June 2009, Oslo University [Collins]
- 25-29 May 2009, Conference on politics and science, University of Bielefeld [Collins and Evans]
- 4-9 May 2009, UNICAMP and UFMG, Brazil [Evans]
- 16 April 2009, British Sociological Association, Cardiff [Collins]
- 12 March 2009, Conference on Karl Popper, European University Institute, Florence [Collins]
- 21 January 2009, University of Bristol [Collins]
- 9 October 2008, International workshop on practice, Birmingham City University [Collins]
- 3-5 October, 2008, Workshop on Collective Epistemology, Basel [Evans]
- 10 September 2008, Science in the 21st Century, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada [Collins]
- 29 August 2008, Royal Geographic Society conference, London [Collins and Evans]
- 20-23 August 2008, 4S/EASST Rotterdam [Collins and Evans]
- 17-20 August 2008, SEESHOP 2, Cardiff [Collins and Evans]
- 21 July 2008, ESOF2008, Barcelona [Collins]
- 17 July, ESRC Genomics Forum, Edinburgh, workshop on public participation [Evans]
- 16 July 2008. Culham laboratory [Collins]
- 3 July 2008, Research Methods Festival, Oxford [Evans]
- 5-9 May 2008, UFMG University, Belo Horizonte, Brasil [Collins and Evans]
- 17-19 April 2008, CSG conference, Amsterdam [Evans]
- 19 March 2008, ‘Mixing things up’ conference, Lancaster [Evans]
- 12 March 2008, Exeter meeting on arts and sciences [Collins]
- 11 March 2008, Exeter University [Collins]