Editorial (Volume 4)
by Neil BadmingtonMemoirs of a Gaysha: Roland Barthes’s Queer Japan
by Benjamin Hiramatsu IrelandBarthes as Reader of Dante: The Mediation of Sollers and the Role of Commentary
by Jennifer RushworthRacine and Barthes: The Power of Love
by Delphine CalleBOOK REVIEW: Feeling for the Sense
by Katja HausteinReview of Kate Briggs, This Litle Art (London: Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2017).
BOOK REVIEW: À la recherche du temps retrouvé
by Ruth DalyReview of Roland Barthes, Album: Unpublished Correspondence and Texts, ed. by Éric Marty, trans. by Jody Gladding (New York: Columbia University Press, 2018).