General resources on citing and referencing. Use the links on the left to view resources on specific referencing styles.
To use an individual resource in your teaching materials (in accordance with the terms of the licence), either link to it directly via the Preview button or click on the file download button. Cardiff University students can also access tutorials and some other resources via the Study Skills section of the Intranet.
Resource title and description | Type |
Web of Science citation alerts Video guide on how to set up citation alerts in Web of Science. A transcript is also available to download. If you would like to repurpose this video for your own teaching, please contact us via to request a package of the source video files. | |
IEEE style referencing tutorial This Xerte tutorial offers a step-by-step guide to referencing in the IEEE referencing style. It includes examples of ways to reference a wide variety of sources. A PDF guide is also available on the Intranet [Cardiff University Login Required]. | |
Citation examples (OSCOLA) An interactive activity describing the components that form the citation of an Act, the citation of an case, and a neutral citation in the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) style. | |
Citing and referencing quiz Test knowledge of citing and referencing with this quiz. | |
How would you reference this book? (MHRA style) Video introduction on how to reference a book using the Modern Humanities Research Association (MHRA) referencing style. If you would like to repurpose this video for your own teaching, please contact us via to request a package of the source video files. | |
How would you reference this book? (Vancouver style) Video introduction on how to reference a book using the Vancouver referencing style. If you would like to repurpose this video for your own teaching, please contact us via to request a package of the source video files. | Video |
How would you reference this book? (Cardiff Harvard style) Video introduction on how to reference a book using the Cardiff Harvard referencing style. If you would like to repurpose this video for your own teaching, please contact us via to request a package of the source video files. | Video |
Vancouver referencing tutorial This Xerte tutorial offers a step-by-step guide to referencing in the Vancouver style. It includes examples of ways to reference a wide variety of sources. A PDF guide is also available on the Intranet [Cardiff University Login Required]. | |
MHRA referencing tutorial This Xerte tutorial offers a step-by-step guide to referencing in the MHRA style. It includes examples of ways to reference a wide variety of sources. A PDF guide is also available on the Intranet (a Cardiff University login is required). | Tutorial |
Cardiff Harvard referencing tutorial This Xerte tutorial offers a step-by-step guide to referencing in the Cardiff Harvard style. Includes examples of ways to reference a wide variety of sources. A PDF guide is also available on the Intranet [Cardiff University Login Required]. | Tutorial |
Neutral citation An image describing the components that form a neutral citation in the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) style. | |
Citing an act An image describing the components that form the citation of an Act in the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) style. | Image |
Citing a case An image describing the components that form the citation of a case in the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) style. | |
Which report do I cite? Test understanding of OSCOLA citations with this short activity. | |
Compile the references (OSCOLA) Test ability to create correctly formatted references in the OSCOLA style. Piece together the fragments of a reference to form a correctly formatted reference. | |
Citing the law: referencing using OSCOLA A guide to citing the law using the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA). The tutorial demonstrates how to cite 'primary' sources of law (i.e. cases and legislation) and how to refer to 'secondary' sources such as books, journals and government reports. | |
Citing in the text (Harvard) A ‘fill in the blanks’ exercise to test skills citing references within a passage of text using the Cardiff University Harvard style. | Activity |
Compile the references (Harvard) Activity testing ability to create correctly formatted references in the Cardiff Harvard style. Piece together the different elements of a reference to form a correctly formatted reference. | Activity |
Reference format quiz (Harvard) Test understanding of how to reference different types of material in Cardiff University Harvard style. | Quiz |
Identify the source quiz (Harvard) Look at the references formatted in the Cardiff Harvard style and decide which type of material is being described in each case. | Quiz |
Should I cite? flowchart Should I cite? A flowchart that will help you decide whether you need to cite a particular source of information. | Image |