Managing and referencing

Learning and teaching resources relating to the topic of managing information. Related resources on referencing, critical analysis and academic integrity are also available.

To use an individual resource in your teaching materials (in accordance with the terms of the licence), either link to it directly via the Preview button or click on the file download button. Cardiff University students can also access tutorials and some other resources via the Study Skills section of the Intranet.

Resource title and description Type
Adding References to your Mendeley Library
This is the second in a series of tutorials written to help you learn how to use Mendeley. This tutorial assumes that you have already installed Mendeley. If you have not yet installed Mendeley, please work through the first tutorial. This tutorial will show you how to:
  • find appropriate bibliographic databases for your subject
  • search for and export references via LibrarySearch, Google Scholar and Scopus
  • use Mendely web importer
  • import references from other reference managers
  • add references from PDFs
  • add references manually
Mendeley Reference Manager: Working with your references
This is the third in a series of tutorials to help you learn how to make use of the reference management software, Mendeley. This tutorial assumes that you already have some references in your Mendeley library. If you do not have any references in your library, please work through the second tutorial which covers  Adding references to Mendeley. This tutorial will show you how to:
  • Organise, search, and edit your references
  • Annotate PDFs and use Notebook
EndNote Desktop for evidence reviews
This tutorial is for anyone using EndNote to assist with undertaking an evidence review (e.g. systematic review, scoping review, rapid review etc.). In this tutorial we cover the following steps:
  • Importing your references into EndNote with all the required data
  • Working with the references within your EndNote library for the purposes of undertaking a review
  • Using EndNote to double screen titles/abstracts/full text
Made available under Creative Commons licence with permission from Clarivate Analytics.
EndNote Online: Using EndNote Online with Microsoft Word
This tutorial will show you how to:
  • set up Word to work with EndNote online
  • insert and remove citations in your Word documents
  • edit how citations are displayed
  • change the citation style.
Made available under Creative Commons licence with permission from Clarivate Analytics.
EndNote Online: Working with your library
This tutorial will show you how to:
  • organise your references into groups
  • share groups with other users
  • edit, delete and find duplicate references
  • create a standalone bibliography.
Made available under Creative Commons licence with permission from Clarivate Analytics.
EndNote Online: Adding references to your EndNote Online library
This tutorial will show you how to:
  • find appropriate bibliographic databases
  • search for and export references from various databases
  • import references into your library
  • manually add references to you library.
Made available under Creative Commons licence with permission from Clarivate Analytics.
EndNote Online: Getting Started
This tutorial will guide you through the process of:
  • registering for an EndNote Online account
  • logging into EndNote Online
  • installing plugins so you can insert citations in Microsoft Word
  • setting up the referencing styles you will need.
Made available under Creative Commons licence with permission from Clarivate Analytics
Citing and referencing quiz
Test knowledge of citing and referencing with this quiz.
Vancouver referencing tutorial
This Xerte tutorial offers a step-by-step guide to referencing in the Vancouver style. It includes examples of ways to reference a wide variety of sources. A PDF guide is also available on the Intranet [Cardiff University Login Required].
MHRA referencing tutorial

This Xerte tutorial offers a step-by-step guide to referencing in the MHRA style. It includes examples of ways to reference a wide variety of sources.

A PDF guide is also available on the Intranet (a Cardiff University login is required).

Cardiff Harvard referencing tutorial
This Xerte tutorial offers a step-by-step guide to referencing in the Cardiff Harvard style. Includes examples of ways to reference a wide variety of sources. A PDF guide is also available on the Intranet [Cardiff University Login Required].
EndNote: EndNote and Microsoft Word
The fourth in a series of five Xerte tutorials introducing the main features of the desktop version of EndNote. This tutorial covers citing and referencing in Word using references in your EndNote library and changing the citation style. Made available under CC licence with permission from Clarivate Analytics.
EndNote: Working with your EndNote references

The third in a series of five Xerte tutorials introducing the main features of the desktop version of EndNote. This tutorial covers organising and searching your EndNote library as well as adding and annotating PDFs.

Made available under CC licence with permission from Clarivate Analytics.

EndNote: Searching databases and importing references
The second in a series of five Xerte tutorials introducing the main features of the desktop version of EndNote. This tutorial covers exporting references from bibliographic databases and manually adding references from other sources. Made available under CC licence with permission from Clarivate Analytics.
EndNote: Getting started with EndNote
The first in a series of five Xerte tutorials introducing the main features of the desktop version of EndNote. This tutorial covers installing EndNote and creating your own EndNote Library. Made available under CC licence with permission from Clarivate Analytics.
Effective notemaking
Strategies for taking and making notes to support your studies.