Search and discovery

Learning and teaching resources on the topic of finding good quality information and keeping up to date with new publications.

To use an individual resource in your teaching materials (in accordance with the terms of the licence), either link to it directly via the Preview button or click on the file download button. Cardiff University students can also access tutorials and some other resources via the Study Skills section of the Intranet.

Resource title and description Type
Open Access Induction
All research staff who receive or anticipate receipt of external funding must also complete the additional [Funder] module along with the current module. The [Funder] module ensures that researchers are aware of funder requirements, eligibility for Open Access block grants, the University’s Institutional Open Access fund, and support available. It is important to complete this additional module to comply with Cardiff University’s Open Access Publishing Policy.

[Funder] module

The module can be accessed here

Tutorial aims

This module aims to::
  • ensure that researchers are aware of the University Open Access Policy
  • ensure that researchers are aware of the routes to be open access compliant
  • ensure that researchers are aware of tools and support available to answer Open Access questions
Open access for recipients of external funding
All research staff who receive or anticipate receipt of external funding must also complete the additional module along with the [Open Access Induction] module. This [Funder] module ensures that researchers are aware of funder requirements, eligibility for Open Access block grants, the University’s Institutional Open Access fund, and support available. It is important to complete this additional module to comply with Cardiff University’s Open Access Publishing Policy. The module can be accessed at the end of the current module or on the left-hand menu on the Open Access training page. This module aims to:
  • ensure that researchers are aware of funder requirements
  • explain eligibility for Open Access block grants and the University's Institutional Open Access fund
  • ensure that researchers are aware of tools and support available to answer Open Access questions
Bibliometrics 4 – Informing journal selection using databases, online tools and metrics
Publication databases such as Scopus, Web of Science and Dimensions are ideal for a literature search in a particular subject. They also have a wealth of additional analytical tools and information that is helpful with informing a choice of journal. The kind of questions that can be answered are:
  • Which journals are already publishing articles in this subject?
  • Where are my colleagues publishing?
  • How many articles does this journal publish every year?
  • Who publishes this journal?
  • How much attention do articles in this journal get from social media?
  • How much is this journal cited in policy reports?
  • Is the journal open access?
  • What is the open access policy for this journal?
Bibliometrics 2 – DORA and responsible use of metrics
This section covers why it is important to use bibliometric data responsibly and fulfil the university’s and individual researcher’s commitments to DORA (Declaration On Research Assessment). After completing this resource, you will be able to:
  • identify the limitations of bibliometrics analysis
  • use metrics data responsibly
  • understand Cardiff University’s commitment to the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)
Bibliometrics 3 – Finding data for publications
This section introduces you to some of the databases available at Cardiff University. You may be familiar with databases such as Scopus and Web of Science, but may not have used them for retrieving bibliometric data. In addition, bibliometric data can be retrieved from other databases, such as SciVal, which is a specialized bibliometrics database, Overton and Dimensions

Tutorial aims

After completing part 3 of this online resource, you will be able to:
  • Identify the most commonly used sources of bibliometric and altmetric data at Cardiff University.
  • Use these sources to retrieve bibliometric and altmetric data.
Bibliometrics 1 – Overview of bibliometrics and altmetrics data
This section provides an introduction to bibliometric data. It outlines the main types of data you can find and illustrates some key uses for the data. It covers why the data is important and what you might use it for. After completing part 1 of this online resource, you will be able to:
  • Describe the most commonly used bibliometric and altmetric data.
  • Know where the data is most commonly used and in what context.
Requesting postal loans
A video demonstration of how distance learners can request items as postal loans via LibrarySearch. If you would like to repurpose this video for your own teaching, please contact us via to request a package of the source video files.
Web of Science citation alerts
Video guide on how to set up citation alerts in Web of Science. A transcript is also available to download. If you would like to repurpose this video for your own teaching, please contact us via to request a package of the source video files.  
Web of Science keyword alerts
Video guide on how to set up keyword alerts in Web of Science. A transcript is also available to download. If you would like to repurpose this video for your own teaching, please contact us via to request a package of the source video files.
Scopus keyword alerts
Video guide on how to set up keyword alerts in Scopus. A transcript is also available to download. If you would like to repurpose this video for your own teaching, please contact us via to request a package of the source video files.
Scopus citation alerts
Video guide on how to set up citation alerts in Scopus. A transcript is also available to download. If you would like to repurpose this video for your own teaching, please contact us via to request a package of the source video files.
Google Scholar keyword alerts
Video guide on how to set up keyword alerts in Google Scholar. A transcript is also available to download. If you would like to repurpose this video for your own teaching, please contact us via to request a package of the source video files.
Searching with keywords in Scopus
Video introduction on how to search with keywords in Scopus. A transcript is also available to download. If you would like to repurpose this video for your own teaching, please contact us via to request a package of the source video files.
Using filters in LibrarySearch
Video introduction on how to use filters in LibrarySearch. A transcript is also available to download. Other videos on this topic include:
  • Your LibrarySearch Account
  • Virtual browsing in LibrarySearch
  • Researching your topic using LibrarySearch
  • Requesting items in LibrarySearch
You can find a playlist for our LibrarySearch guides on YouTube.
Researching your topic using LibrarySearch
Video introduction on how to use LibrarySearch to research your topic. A transcript is also available to download.
Using databases: basics
Video introduction on how to navigate using databases. The video can also be found on YouTube. A transcript is also available. If you would like to repurpose this video for your own teaching, please contact us via to request a package of the source video files.
Using databases: accessing full text
Video introduction on how to access full texts when using databases. The video can also be found on YouTube. A transcript is also available. If you would like to repurpose this video for your own teaching, please contact us via to request a package of the source video files.
Accessing British standards online
Video introduction on how to access British standard online. The video can also be found on YouTube. A transcript is also available. If you would like to repurpose this video for your own teaching, please contact us via to request a package of the source video files.
Reading and critically analysing a journal article
This tutorial will discuss how to read and critically analyse an academic journal article. This tutorial will:
  • Explain the broad categorisations of journal articles
  • Explain/outline the peer review process whereby an article is submitted for scholarly evaluation by experts
  • Suggest questions you need to ask when reading and critically analysing a journal article
  • Provide practical tips to facilitate the effective reading and critical analysis of an article
What is a journal article?
This tutorial is an introduction to journal articles; what are they, why are they needed and how authors contribute. This tutorial will:
  • Provide an overview of some of the research process which goes into writing and publishing journal articles
  • Explain how journal articles are constructed
  • Explain why journal articles are constructed in this way
Searching beyond your reading list using LibrarySearch
A short online tutorial aimed at introducing key search techniques for researching a topic via LibrarySearch.
Searching beyond your reading list using journal databases
A short online tutorial aimed at introducing key search techniques and resources for finding journal literature.
Keeping your research up-to-date
This tutorial guides you through the basic procedures for optimising current awareness in your research field. It demonstrates how to set up various types of alerts and highlights a range of other tools and resources to ensure you keep up to date efficiently and effectively.
Identifying the key ideas to research
An activity to help identify key ideas or concepts before beginning research.
Literature searching cycle
Image illustrating the literature searching cycle.
Finding appropriate sources
This Xerte tutorial is aimed at postgraduate taught level students. It covers:
  • planning a search
  • identifying the key information resources to use
  • effective search techniques
  • how to access full text of documents online, and
  • how to use databases to keep up to date with new publications
Evaluating the evidence: finding good quality information online

This Xerte tutorial, aimed at 6th form and further education students, covers: defining the scope of your research topic, search techniques for getting the best out of Google and search tools and web sites for finding good quality, freely available information.

This tutorial is part of the Evaluating the Evidence suite created to support schools offering the Advanced Welsh Baccalaureate.

Google search tips
A selection of simple tips and tricks to improve the accuracy and relevance of your results when searching via Google. The video is also available on YouTube in Welsh and English. A transcript is available. If you would like to repurpose this video for your own teaching, please contact us via to request a package of the source video files.
Creating a mindmap
A customisable PowerPoint slide featuring an example of how you can create a mindmap to help plan a search for information on a topic.
Google Scholar – How to access journals off-campus
This video shows how to access journals while off-campus using Google Scholar.
Google Scholar – Essential tips
This video shows top tips for getting the best out of Google Scholar:
  • Tip 1 - How to focus your search
  • Tip 2 - How to access the full text
  • Tip 3 - How to set up email alerts
  • Tip 4 - How to use the "Cited by" links
  • Tip 5 - How to set up your reference management software
If you would like to repurpose this video for your own teaching, please contact us via to request a package of the source video files.
Finding items on your reading list
Video giving top tips on finding items on a reading list. The video can also be found on YouTube in English and Welsh. An accompanying text guide is available.
Finding information
The University Library Service's quick video with top tips on finding information for your studies using the electronic resources available at Cardiff University. It can also be found on YouTube in English and Welsh. A transcript is available.