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Module Assessment

Getting started

This section looks at designing assessments at the module level. While it can be undertaken with the support of your Board of Studies in isolation, it is best undertaken across the programme, in line with the model below.

Process diagram for Programme Development stages and process. The first stage is the programme learning outcomes stage. Following on from here is Programme Assessments and Module Learning Outcomes. The final stage, Module Assessments and Learning Activities, is highlighted.

You will need to consider:

  • The type of assessment that will best fit with the Modular Learning Outcomes, and in turn how this matches the programmatic approach to assessment already developed, and thus how it will help support students to meet the programme learning outcomes already defined, and;
  • The diet and mix of approaches to assessment – to ensure programmes do not repeatedly assess the same learning outcomes, to prevent assessment bunching, and to allow formative assessments to be held and the feedback comments arising from these to feed into student preparation for summative tasks.

While these are the key things that need to be determined up front, there are several other ‘assessment’ factors that all impact on the quality of the student experience of assessment. These are interrelated and need to be looked at together. Consideration of these factors from a collective perspective, as a programme team, will help in ensuring consistency of information and advice to students, and help to collectively manage workloads within the programme team. These other assessment factors include:

  • The nature of the assessment criteria and the ways in which students can be involved in their definition and/or revision;
  • The exercises and initiatives that may be contained in your module that have been designed to improve student assessment and feedback literacy and better communicate academic standards to them;
  • The ways in which feedback information will be generated, disseminated, and hopefully utilised by your students. For example, do all of these comments need to come from staff?
  • What digital tools might you utilise to support formative tasks, ways of developing and maintaining resources (e.g. question banks) for these, and what role students may play in this (e.g. using Peerwise);
  • How the summative tasks will be marked. Who will be involved in this and what work need to be undertaken in advance to ensure reduced variation in marking? In turn, what approaches to post marking moderation this might leave you needing, and;
  • What processes might you adopt to ensure that the administration of assessment outcomes is simple and reliable.

Inclusivity Tip

When designing assessments for your module, your key consideration is the student experience. This requires:

1.     Awareness of the assessments at a programme level: How does your planned assessment fit with other modules and the programme? Is there bunching of submission dates, and are students provided with a clear map of formative and summative assessment deadlines and practice opportunities? Read more on our Inclusive Programme Design page.

2.     Opportunities for practice: What opportunities are available to support students to practice the mode and skills required for the assessment, at a formative level, as well as learning the content? This may be a formal, submitted formative assessment, or in short in-session activities with verbal or peer feedback.

3.     Scaffolded support for innovative, new or unusual assessments: Have you provided exemplars, clear guidance or practice opportunities for less familiar assessment types?

4.     Consideration of mode of assessment: If the mode of assessment is not a competence standard for the programme, could you offer variety or choice in mode of assessment, for example a choice between written or verbal submissions?

5.     Consideration of timing: Is completion within short time-scales a competence standard for your programme? (for example, short duration online assessments)

6.     Design of alternative assessments from the outset: What alternative assessment will be offered for students with extenuating circumstances or reasonable adjustments?

To read more, visit our 'Empowering students to fulfil their potential' page.

Is it rocket science?

Addressing types of assessment for the MSc in rocket science

A decorative image showing a rocket ready to launch, to represent the toolkit’s example – Designing a BSc / MSc in Rocket Science. Coloured numbers remind us of the process diagram for Program Development stages and processes. The first is programme learning outcomes. Following on from here is Programme Assessments, Module Learning Outcomes, and Module Assessments and Learning Activities

The remaining information on this page is concerned solely with choice of assessment methods. For operationalising assessment see the Learning Design and preparing to Teach section; this being the key information that needs to be recorded and shared with students, and the information required to allow this module to be approved. It uses the BSc/MSc Rocket Science example to understand how a modular assessment strategy is determined in reference to the PLOs, Programmatic assessment and the earlier MLOs we have developed.

Having already determined the Module learning Outcomes, you may find yourself with a level 5 modular structure as per the example below:

Level 5 (all core)
Compulsory modules Module code Credit


Level Teaching block
Electronics and Control Engineering Analysis RS5 30 5 1&2
Project Engineering & Management RS6 30 5 1&2
Communicating Rocket Science RS7 30 5 1&2
Aerospace Engineering RS8 30 5 1&2
Progression to level 6 requires passes in all four modules to give 120 credits at level 5.

Students exiting the programme at this point, who have successfully completed 120 credits, are eligible for the award of Diploma of Higher Education.

(Source: adapted from Kingston University)

As an example, the module ‘RS7’ ‘Communicating Rocket Science’ is at level 5 (i.e. second year), being concerned with communicating rocket science to non-specialist audiences. It builds on a level 4 module that will have introduced students to a number of the key skills utilised in the discipline; a module that is assessed through a) a short poster presentation, and b) a short answer timed assessment that tests student understanding across a range of key skills.

From the work already undertaken, it has been agreed that this module should seek to contribute to:

  • Achievement of PLO 10: being able to “communicate effectively, verbally and in writing, within and across interdisciplinary rocket science research teams”
  • Graduate Attributes: The further development of chosen University’s graduate attributes – most notably for this PLO these will be concerned with collaboration, effective communication, and reflection and resilience:
  • Achievement of MLO: The Module Learning Outcomes cover data retrieval, analysis, and presentation.

In light of the above, the (fictional) Rocket Science Programme Team proposed and agreed that the module will be assessed in the following ways:

  • Through an entirely formative task in which the students work in teams to produce a template that will be used for the posters they will produce. (The feedback on which will cover teamwork, and feed forward into a level 6 module that will require students to reflect on team roles and dynamics);
  • Through a short summative task that tests students’ skills in data retrieval and use (tutor marked and which builds on the feedback received in the key skills module at level 4);
  • Through a formative task in which students co-create the assessment criteria and pro-forma on which feedback comments will be recorded, (both of which will be used in the poster assessment held at the end of the module);
  • Through a larger summative task which will require the students to present a poster, which can either be done live or by video, to support students with severe anxiety (to be marked by staff together with the different student teams in the audience, using the criteria and feedback form developed for this purpose).

This is only one example to show how assessment can be designed for a module and across a programme. The example seeks to:

  • utilise the feedback comments that students will have received in a previous module;
  • develop feedback comments that will feed forward into a module that students are yet to take;
  • further develop the assessment and feedback literacy of the students by involving them closely in the assessment and feedback process (thus also reducing the workload placed on staff);
  • provide a diet of summative assessment that properly covers the module learning outcomes, and that offers alternative arrangements to help enhance inclusivity, and;
  • contribute to both the programme learning outcomes and student acquisition of our graduate attributes.


Mapping Assessments to PLOs

Continuing our MSc in Rocket Science example, below shows examples of different assessment methods that may be used for a selection of illustrative Module Learning Outcomes, along with the graduate attributes that could potentially be met by the MLOs and their corresponding assessment. The list is not a definitive list of all assessment options, neither is it exhaustive, it is presented here for illustrative purposes. If you would like support in programmatic assessment mapping and mapping graduate attributes, please contact the Learning & Teaching Academy and Student Futures.

In section 1, we covered:

In section 2 we covered.

In section 3, we covered.

In this section, we covered:

Learning outcomes category

Example Programme Learning Outcomes

Primary Graduate Attributes

Intended programmatic assessment methods

Potential Module Learning Outcomes

Potential Modular assessments

Potential Module Graduate Attributes addressed

Knowledge and Understanding

LO 1 - Understand and apply core theories, concepts, and techniques at the forefront of Rocket Science.

Independent and Critical Thinking



Level 4 – to explain the basic concepts of gravity and space

Multiple Choice Questions

Level 5 – to examine the history of space travel

Essay/Book review

Level 6 – to critically evaluate different rocket science techniques in a range of given scenarios

Open book exam

Level 7 - to apply appropriate Rocket Science theory to C21 grand challenges

Written assessment

LO 2 - Apply basic and translational Rocket Science research in a range of professional settings, relating to human space flight.

Innovative, Enterprising and Commercial Awareness


Level 4 – to discuss the industry of  Rocket Science

Business Report

Level 5 – to interpret the commercial implications of rocket development

Grant application

Level 6 - to select relevant Rocket Science research for development into a business proposal

Business Case

Level 7 – to compile research of benefit to the field of Rocket Science

Case Study

Intellectual Skills

LO 3 - Ability to select and apply appropriate mathematical techniques to solve problems in rocketry.

Independent and Critical Thinking


Written coursework

Level 4 – to understand the basics of mathematics in Rocket Science

Class test

Level 5 – to apply mathematical solutions to given problems

Open book exam

Level 6 – to practice mathematical approaches taken in the space industry

Written coursework

Level 7 - to construct mathematical solutions using emerging technology

Coding portfolio

LO 4 Design and implement a range of experiments relating to the development of human space flight.

Ethical, Social and Environmental Awareness

Practical experiment

Level 4 – to demonstrate basic skills

Web-based skills assessment

Level 5 – to assess the theory of gravity

Practical experiment

Level 6 – to perform relevant procedures required for space flight in a prototype situation

Objective Structured Clinical Exams (OSCE)

Level 7 – to operate specialist technology relating to the development of human space flight


Practical and professional skills

LO 5 Work effectively within a range of interdisciplinary research teams.


Group Project

Level 4 – to review group dynamics

Group report

Level 5 – to communicate in a multidisciplinary team

Group presentation

Level 6 – to initiate a team approach to solving a grand challenge

Role play

Level 7 - to create solutions to a grand challenge, working with local communities

Live project

LO 6 – Present scientific data relating to the construction of rockets in a clear and professional manner.

Effective Communicators


Level 4 – to summarise Rocket Science basics to a familiar audience


Level 5– to interpret complex ideas for presentation to a non-science audience

Blog post / Poster presentation

Level 6 – to synthesize the basics of Rocket Science

Viva/oral exam

Level 7 - to translate Rocket Science construction proposals to policy

Policy paper

Transferable skills

LO 7 Exercise initiative and personal responsibility within a range of professional contexts.

Reflection and resilience


Level 4 – to identify your place in the  Rocket Science profession

Reflective logs

Level 5 – to reflect on being a Rocket Science professional

Reflective portfolio

Level 6 – to demonstrate initiative in a professional environment

Placement portfolio/practical experience record

Level 7 – to formulate a clear understanding of how your professional development has informed your practice


LO 8 Select and utilise appropriate research methods and resources in order to prepare a research project of your choosing.

Ethical, Social and Environmental Awareness

Research project

Level 4 – to locate appropriate resources for use in preparation of a research project

Level 5 – to compare and contrast different research methods in order to select the best approach

Level 6 – to defend your chosen research methods


Level 7 – to compile a research paper which encompasses a wide range of relevant methodology and resources

Research paper

Deeper dive

You are on page 4 of 4 of the 4-stage process for Programme Development.

It is strongly recommended if you are designing a new programme or undergoing revalidation that you explore the following pages as you build up your Quality documentation. They are in a fixed order:

  1. Programme Learning Outcomes
  2. Programme Assessment
  3. Module Learning Outcomes
  4. Module Assessment

You could go to the next page in the main education development series, Learning Design and Preparing to Teach from here. Or perhaps return to Programme Development?