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Task Analysis – Introduction to Inclusive Education

31 August 2023

In the left hand column, list the teaching activities for a session you might teach. Then in the next columns identify the student activity involved, the barriers to learning that may be created, and the students who may be impacted.

An example of a face-to-face lecture is given below.

Teaching Strategy Student activity Barriers to Learning Students who may be impacted
Face-to-face lecture Listening

Cognitive processing

Students with cognitive processing issues or who are deaf
Taking notes

Writing skills and speed

Large social space

Dyslexic students. Students with English as an additional language

Students with hypersensitivity or anxiety

Sitting for an hour

Sitting comfortably for an hour

Students with health conditions

Small group discussion with peers Social interaction in groups Students with autism or anxiety

While we cannot eliminate all barriers for all learners in all tasks, by using a range of teaching approaches, and offering multiple means of interaction with learning, we can create an inclusive learning environment which empowers all students to fulfil their potential These are the principles that can ensure social justice in education, and which inform Universal Design for Learning.