Theme overview
The driving themes for this toolkit are inclusivity, employability and sustainability, which are central priorities in the Education and Students Sub-Strategy.
Below you will see a comprehensive selection of pages designed to boost your understanding of these themes and why they are crucial to education development.
On this page, there is a page menu for each of the themes. The order of the pages reflects an increasing depth. If getting started with the theme, you will likely get the most out of these pages by bookmarking this resource, reading in turn and returning as time allows. Otherwise, jump into a page that suits your current requirement.
In addition to this, we have weaved the below call outs (pictured), written by institutional experts, into other pages of our toolkit: this means you’ve got an expert by your side from the very beginning!
Inclusivity page menu
- Inclusivity and the Cardiff University Inclusive Education Framework
- Introduction to Inclusive Education
- Fostering a sense of belonging for all students
- Empowering students to fulfil their potential
- Developing inclusive mindsets
- Universal Design for Learning
- Digital accessibility
- Disability and Dyslexia
Employability page menu
- Employability main page
- Student Futures Framework
- Graduate attributes
- Programme approval and revalidation
- Embedding Employability in the Curriculum
Sustainability page menu
- Sustainability main page
- Sustainable pedagogies
- Sustainable assessment
- Sustainability case studies
- Sustainability, Employability and Enterprise: Partnerships in Education for Sustainable Development
Deeper dive
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