5. Developing/enhancing professional identity

Recent events have shown the importance of managing your online presence to protect and enhance your professional reputation and future employability. An effective online presence can also improve your research impact. Subject librarians can highlight the benefits of promoting and managing your digital identity and the range of tools available for presenting an online presence, and can advise on measures of research impact through bibliometrics.

5.1 Practices


5.1.1… manage my online presence to widen the impact of my professional profile and/or to enhance my employability
5.1.2… monitor my research impact through appropriate measures

5.2 Skills

I can…

Example activities

5.2.1… evaluate the most appropriate places to establish my online profile and actively maintain it in these locationsBuild your online profile tutorial
5.2.2…use digital tools, such as email, online forums, social media and synchronous communication tools to find, network and collaborate with others Build your online profile tutorial
5.2.3…calculate bibliographic and altmetric data as a measure of research impact

5.3 Awareness

I am aware of…

Example activities

5.3.1… how I appear to others online and how this can impact on my professional identity or future employabilityWorking in pairs, Google each other and assemble a profile of the other person, including any negative information
5.3.2… the value of being actively involved in professional networksKnow your digital footprint tutorial
5.3.3…citation and other metrics e.g. altmetrics and their relevance to my research profile