In an unprecedented initiative, the two largest reproductive medical societies, namely, the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) and the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) joined forces with a leading-edge pharmaceutical company, Merck-Serono S.A., to create FertiQoL – the first internationally validated instrument to measure quality of life in individuals experiencing fertility problems. Best practice in fertility care involves a comprehensive approach to the ordeal of infertility. FertiQoL helps achieve this goal by providing an excellent means of integrating quality of life issues in clinical care and research endeavours. We invite clinicians and researchers to use FertiQoL in upcoming projects, whether these are epidemiological surveys, cross-cultural studies, clinical trials or psychosocial intervention projects. We hope that together we can further the aim of improving quality of life for people with fertility problems. Read more >>
Jacky Boivin
United Kingdom

Janet Takefman

Andrea Braverman
United States
Medical Health Journeys