FertiQoL publications

Aarts, J.W., Huppelschoten, A.G., van Empel, I.W., Boivin, J., Verhaak C.M., Kremer, J.A. & Nelen, W.L. (2011). How does patient-centred care relate to patients’ quality of life and distress: a study in 427 women experiencing infertility. Human Reproduction,26(5), 1112-1118.

Aarts, J.W., van Empel, I.W., Boivin, J., Nelen, W.L., Kremer, J.A. & Verhaak C.M. (2011). Relationship between quality of life and distress in infertility: a validation study of the Dutch FertiQoL. Human Reproduction, 26(5), 1112-1118.

Asazawa, K. (2015). Effects of a partnership support program for couples undergoing fertility treatment. Japan Journal of Nursing Science. doi: 10.1111/jjns.12074

Borm, G. F., Teerenstra, S., & Zielhuis, G. A. (2008). Objective and perspective determine the choice of composite endpoint.Journal of clinical epidemiology61(2), 99-101.

Boivin, J, Takefman, J, Braverman, A. (2011). The fertility quality of life (FertiQoL) tool: development and general psychometric properties. Human Reproduction, 26(8), 2084–2091.

Boivin, J, Takefman, J, Braverman, A. (2011). Development and preliminary validation of the fertility quality of life (FertiQoL) tool. Fertility and Sterility, 96, 409–15.

Cserepes,  R. E., Kőrösi, T &  Bugán A. (2014). Characteristics of infertility-specific quality of life in Hungarian couples. Orv Hetil. 155(20), 783-8. doi: 10.1556/OH.2014.29867.

Domar, A. D., Gross, J., Rooney, K., & Boivin, J. (2015). Exploratory randomized trial on the effect of a brief psychological intervention on emotions, quality of life, discontinuation, and pregnancy rates in in vitro fertilization patients. Fertility and Sterility, 104(2), 440-451. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2015.05.009.

Gameiro, S., Canavarro, M.C. & Boivin, J. (2013). Patient centred care in infertility health care: Direct and indirect associations with wellbeing during treatment. Patient Education and Counselling, 93, 646-654.

Guerra, D., Llorens, I. & Ballesteros A. (2012). Evaluacion de calidad de vida en Reproduccion Asistida.  Cuadernos de Medicine Reproductiva. In Garcia-Velasco, J.A., Guerra, D. (Eds.) Special issue: Psicologia y Reproduccion Asistida, 18(1).

Heredia M., Tenías J.M., Rocio R., Amparo F., Calleja M.A. & Valenzuela J.C. (2013). Quality of life and predictive factors in patients undergoing assisted reproduction techniques. European Journalof ObstetricsGynecology and Reproductive Biology,167(2), 176-180.

Holter H., Sandin-Bojö A. K., Gejervall A. L., Wikland M., Wilde-Larsson B & Bergh C. (2014). Quality of care in an IVF programme from a patient’s perspective: development of a validated instrument. Human Reproduction 29(3) 534-47. doi: 10.1093/humrep/det421. Epub 2013 Nov 28.

Hsu, P. Y., Lin, M. W., Hwang, J. L., Lee, M. S., & Wu, M. H. (2013). The fertility quality of life (FertiQoL) questionnaire in Taiwanese infertile couples. Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology52(2), 204-209.

Huppelschoten, A. G., van Dongen, A. J. C. M., Philipse, I. C. P., Hamilton, C. J. C. M., Verhaak, C. M., Nelen, W. L. D. M., & Kremer, J. A. M. (2013). Predicting dropout in fertility care: a longitudinal study on patient-centredness. Human Reproduction,28(8), 2177-2186.

Kahyaoglu Sut, H., & Kaplan, P. B. (2015). Quality of life in women with infertility via the FertiQoL and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scales. Nursing & Health Sciences, 17, 84-89.

Karabulut A., Özkan S.& Oğuz N. (2013) Predictors of fertility quality of life (FertiQoL) in infertile women: analysis of confounding factors. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Reproductive Biology170(1), 193-197.

Kim, J. H & Shin, H. S. (2013). A structural model for quality of life of infertile women. J Korean Acad Nurs 43(3):312-20. doi: 10.4040/jkan.2013.43.3.312.

Lopes, V., Canavarro, M.C., Verhaak, C. Boivin, J. & Gameiro, S. (2014). Are patients at risk for psychological maladjustment during fertility treatment less willing to comply with treatment? Results from the Portuguese validation of the SCREENIVF. Human Reproduction, 29, 293-302.

Melo, C., Gameiro, S. Canavarro, M.C. & Boivin, J. (2012). Does the FertiQoL assess quality of life? Results from the validation of the Portuguese version of the FertiQoL. Human Reproduction, 27 (Suppl 2).

Ockhuijsen, H. D. L., van den Hoogen, A., Macklon, N. S. and Boivin, J. (2013). The PRCI study: design of a randomized clinical trial to evaluate a coping intervention for medical waiting periods used by women undergoing a fertility treatment. BMC Women’s Health, 13(1) (10.1186/1472-6874-13-35) 

Pedro, J., Canavarro, M. C., Boivin, J. & Gameiro, S. (2013). Positive experiences of patient-centred care are associated with intentions to comply with fertility treatment: findings from the validation of the Portuguese version of the PCQ-Infertility tool.Human Reproduction, 28(9), 2462-2472.

Valsangkar, S., Bodhare T., Bele, S & Sai, S. (2011). An evaluation of the effect of infertility on marital, sexual satisfaction indices and health-related quality of life in women. Journal of Human Reproduction 4(2), 80–85. doi:  10.4103/0974-1208.86088

Van Empel, I. W., Aarts, J. W., Cohlen, B. J., Huppelschoten, D. A., Laven, J. S., Nelen, W. L., & Kremer, J. A. (2010). Measuring patient-centredness, the neglected outcome in fertility care: a random multicentre validation study. Human reproduction25(10), 2516-2526.

Van Empel, I. W., Hermens, R. P., Akkermans, R. P., Hollander, K. W., Nelen, W. L., & Kremer, J. A. (2011). Organizational determinants of patient-centred fertility care: a multilevel analysis. Fertility and Sterility95(2), 513-519.